General information about the elements used in PDF417 barcodes on the driver’s license and ID card […]

Assistance in editing and generating PDF417 barcodes for U.S. driver’s licenses.
General information about the elements used in PDF417 barcodes on the driver’s license and ID card […]
Converting Feet and Inches to Inches In order to generate a 2D AAMVA DL PDF417 Barcode you need to know the growth of the license holder. Some states indicate height in the barcode only in inches. So you need to be able to convert feet and inches into inches. The easiest way to do this […]
How to generate 1D Barcode You can generate 1D Barcode (usually Code128) in any free generator, for example: Choose “Type A” if there is such an option. The information it contains is the same Inventory Control Number (ICN) you will need to generate the PDF417 barcode. To understand its […]