Magnetic Strip and Barcode Decoding
Below is a bit of general information about the elements used in PDF417 barcodes on the driver’s license and ID card.

Standards – ISO Issuer Identification Numbers & RID

A complete list of all ISO Issuer Identification Numbers & RID –
Data elements
DAA - Full Name
DAB - Last Name
DAB - Family Name
DAC - First Name
DAC - Given Name
DAD - Middle Name or Initial
DAD - Middle Name
DAE - Name Suffix
DAF - Name Prefix
DAG - Mailing Street Address1
DAH - Mailing Street Address2
DAI - Mailing City
DAJ - Mailing Jurisdiction Code
DAK - Mailing Postal Code
DAL - Residence Street Address1
DAM - Residence Street Address2
DAN - Residence City
DAO - Residence Jurisdiction Code
DAP - Residence Postal Code
DAQ - License or ID Number
DAR - License Classification Code
DAS - License Restriction Code
DAT - License Endorsements Code
DAU - Height in FT_IN
DAV - Height in CM
DAW - Weight in LBS
DAX - Weight in KG
DAY - Eye Color
DAZ - Hair Color
DBA - License Expiration Date
DBB - Date of Birth
DBC - Sex
DBD - License or ID Document Issue Date
DBE - Issue Timestamp
DBF - Number of Duplicates
DBG - Medical Indicator Codes
DBH - Organ Donor
DBI - Non-Resident Indicator
DBJ - Unique Customer Identifier
DBK - Social Security Number
DBL - Date Of Birth
DBM - Social Security Number
DBN - Full Name
DBO - Last Name
DBO - Family Name
DBP - First Name
DBP - Given Name
DBQ - Middle Name
DBQ - Middle Name or Initial
DBR - Suffix
DBS - Prefix
DCA - Virginia Specific Class
DCB - Virginia Specific Restrictions
DCD - Virginia Specific Endorsements
DCE - Physical Description Weight Range
DCF - Document Discriminator
DCG - Country territory of issuance
DCH - Federal Commercial Vehicle Codes
DCI - Place of birth
DCJ - Audit information
DCK - Inventory Control Number
DCL - Race Ethnicity
DCM - Standard vehicle classification
DCN - Standard endorsement code
DCO - Standard restriction code
DCP - Jurisdiction specific vehicle classification description
DCQ - Jurisdiction-specific
DCR - Jurisdiction specific restriction code description
DCS - Family Name
DCS - Last Name
DCT - Given Name
DCT - First Name
DCU - Suffix
DDA - Compliance Type
DDB - Card Revision Date
DDC - HazMat Endorsement Expiry Date
DDD - Limited Duration Document Indicator
DDE - Family Name Truncation
DDF - First Names Truncation
DDG - Middle Names Truncation
DDH - Under 18 Until
DDI - Under 19 Until
DDJ - Under 21 Until
DDK - Organ Donor Indicator
DDL - Veteran Indicator
PAA - Permit Classification Code
PAB - Permit Expiration Date
PAC - Permit Identifier
PAD - Permit IssueDate
PAE - Permit Restriction Code
PAF - Permit Endorsement Code
ZVA - Court Restriction Code